Kubernetes Cluster System Components


JovianX manages Kubernetes clusters

Container Logging | Elastic + FluentD

Monitoring | Prometheus + Grafana

Cluster Access Gateway | Ambassador + Cert-Manager

Installing Ambassador Gateway

# Create the jovianX-system namespace
$ kubectl create namespace jovianx-system

# Add Ambassador Helm Repo
$ helm repo add datawire https://www.getambassador.io

# Install Ambassador in the JovianX-System namespace
$ helm install --name ambassador --namespace jovianx-system datawire/ambassador --set nodeSelector\\.eks\\.amazonaws\\.com/nodegroup=gigaspaces-nodepool-system

Note: Configure nodeSelector to run Ambassador on the jovianx-system node pool. Note that node selector has

To view current labels on the nodes run $ kubectl get nodes --show-labels . then

Note that nodeSelector has to escape dot(. )char.

Last updated